Your advantages at a glance:

Automatische Bestellung

Vermeidung von Lieferengpässen durch rechtzeitige Nachbestellung.

Effiziente Lagerverwaltung

Präzise Erkennung der Stückzahlen im Behälter durch Gewichtserkennung für optimale Bestandskontrolle.


Zentrale Überwachung und Steuerung aller Lagerbestände über das Cloud-Portal, zugänglich von überall.


Reduzierung von Überbeständen und Lagerkosten durch automatisierteund bedarfsorientierte Bestellungen.

The basis in the procurement process

As a company with a structured or systematic ordering process, you have already done a lot right. You have separated individual processes, contractually agreed framework agreements or prices and/or already have a kanban system? So everything is in perfect order? Without an automated and digitalised procurement process, you will only ever reach a certain process savings limit, especially for C-parts! With over 500 successfully implemented customer projects, we know exactly the requirements and challenges of our customers.

Expenses in the event of late delivery, costs of expensive RFID technology including cable laying and mandatory network connection, lack of quantity consumption, goods without movement, lack of IT systems, necessary flexibility and much more.

The following pages will show you exactly how you can use WECO-Cloud to digitalise your entire procurement process, such as incoming goods/outgoing goods, and how you can also keep a permanent inventory for each item!

Average process cost sequence

As you are probably aware, every company has different process costs depending on its size, but the process is more or less always the same. However, if the process is interrupted by a stock shortage, quality problems or a late delivery, the costs and your effort increase exponentially! The time spent on your part and the pressure increase. Your focus should therefore be on saving strategic tasks such as supplier search and approval, supplier evaluation/development and supplier number as well as, within the framework of risk management, the reduction of possible costs due to quality and quantity problems.









DIE Lösung WECO Smart Weight Cloud ·

latest technology - 100% digital -

Beschaffungsprozesse optimieren dank Wiegetechnologie und Übermittlung von Daten.

WECO Smart Weight Cloud ermöglicht es Ihnen Dank neuester Technologie sowohl Ihre Lagerbestände als auch Einkaufsprozesse zu reduzieren und sie gleichzeitig zu digitalisieren.

Process digitisation 100%
Time saving 100%

Down to the smallest detail - completely transparent!

Die Cloud Anbindung ermöglicht Ihnen mit allen Endgeräten eine vollumfängliche Detailauswertung jeder einzelnen Einheit. Zugleich ist es extrem einfach, während Ihres Unternehmenswachstums oder der Lieferantenreduzierung weitere Einheiten zu adaptieren.

kanban, standard parts, logistics centre, drawing parts, screw warehouse

Your expert and partner in the procurement process!

Damit sich unsere Kunden auf ihr Kerngeschäft konzentrieren können, sorgen wir dafür, dass das richtige Produkt zur richtigen Zeit am richtigen Ort ist. Wir überwachen digital die Lagerbestände unserer Kunden und sorgen für eine ressourcenschonende Belieferung.​

Why Shopping & Procurement Processes digitise?

The impact of the pandemic has meant that we find ourselves in a "new-work situation" worldwide and entrepreneurs and consumers are using more and more digital services. Representative studies by McKinsey(2021) and Bitkom(2021) concluded that every company should take time for
should take time for digitalisation!

Durch die Implementierung unserer WECO Lösungen,digitalisieren Sie Ihre Prozesse und sparen dadurch:

  • Savings potential
  • Process effort

Error rate 96%
Time saving 96%
Effectiveness 95%
Effectiveness 95%
Incoming goods 100%
Litigation costs 100%
Inventory/ stock check 100%
Handling 95%

Innovation company since 1975

With more than 5,000 active customers and its own production facilities,WEWO is considered the market expert for the procurement of C-parts. WEWO is particularly known for its ability to meet deadlines at short notice, which gave rise to the claim "we make it work!

The family - know-how

As a family business, WEWO places particular emphasis on the further development of its own employees. Technical questions or customer problems are answered by our employees on the phone in >98% of cases.

WEWO's mission

Don't just be a supplier! WEWO sees itself as your personal process consultant who massively optimises and digitalises procurement processes and structures together with you. Safe, Easy, Smart is our motto, which we implement effectively with our WECO systems.